***Site is currently under
construction. Some information may be out of date***
Go to our
Index Page
for complete listing
Including the highly informative New Jersey G. A. R. Archives
(Site best viewed in full screen mode)
Purpose of the SUVCW
Perpetuate the memory of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) and of the men who saved the Union in 1861 to 1865.
Assist in every practicable way in the preservation and making available for research of documents and records pertaining to the
Grand Army of the Republic and its members. Cooperate in doing honor to all those who have patriotically served our country in any war.
Teach patriotism and the duties of citizenship, the true history of our country, and the love and honor of our flag. Oppose every tendency
or movement that would weaken loyalty to, or make for the destruction or impairment of, our Constitutional Union, Inculcate
and broadly sustain the American principles of representative government, of equal rights, and of impartial justice for all.
We are dedicated to preserving the memory of the Grand Army of the Republic and that of its
Soldier, Sailors, and Marines who saved the Union during the Civil War.
Lyon Camp has established a virtual archive of New Jersey Grand Army of the Republic information. Please visit our link
New Jersey G.A.R. Archive. As a work in progress we are building individual pages for New Jersey's G.A.R. Posts. As of
now, we have information for over 3/4 of New Jersey's Posts, and we are continually compiling and up loading information as
it becomes available. Information available may include: post & monument photographs, post ribbons, full or partial membership
rosters, membership photographs as available and other demographics. This work is headed by our Secretary/Treasurer
Robert Wilhelm, PCC. The Archival information is slowly being placed on this web site by our web master and PDC, Buzz Smithcors.
Anyone with questions or having information, pictures, etc. to help with our project is asked to please
contact Robert Wilhelm .
The GAR Archive has transcriptions of Lyon Post #10, New Jersey G.A.R. meeting minutes covering the period June 16, 1875
through January 5, 1882. The transcripts can be accessed from the Nathaniel Lyon Post page in the New Jersey G.A.R. Archive.
These files are under Lyon Post Minutes in the index.
Go to our Index Page for complete listings
View our site at a resolution of 800 x 600 or greater.
Material on this site İLyon Camp #10 SUVCW 2004. Use of material from the New Jersey GAR Archive requires permission
and credit to Lyon Camp #10. All links to the New Jersey GAR Archive must be made via Lyon camp site.